Don't miss a chance to work with upcoming coach Bobby Gonzalez. Mr. Gonzalez is a Certified Examiner with Arthur Murray International Inc. He has been affiliated with the organization for over 25 years. He is a member of the Arthur Murray International Dance Board and the Dance Director for Area 6. In addition to his distinguished career as a professional competitor in both the Rhythm and Smooth divisions, Mr. Gonzalez has been awarded the prestigious Arthur Murray Dance Development Award for his development of the Bronze and Silver Salsa Syllabus.
Bobby will be in the studios the week of May 28th. Check with your teacher for availability.
If you aren't sure whether or not you should take a coaching, check out this awesome article from our friends at Arthur Murray Live!
Contrary to popular belief, coaching lessons from guest teachers are not just for the pros. Anyone- from novice dancers to the most advanced- can benefit from one of these lessons. Whether you want to improve your technique and style, musicality, lead and follow skills, grace and poise or your confidence on the dance floor, our coaches can make that happen.
And here’s why:
We bring the most outstanding and qualified dancers in the business to our schools to give our students powerhouse lessons. Many of our coaches have traveled the globe as champions and teachers, and now are bringing all their talents and dance wisdom to you.
For beginners, time with a coach can be spent kick-starting your dancing so you get off on the right foot. If you’re more advanced, a coaching lesson can polish your style and technique to make sure that you can reach your full potential. And couples preparing for a wedding can make sure that their first dance is one to remember. Need an extra boost before Showcase or the New York Dance-o-Rama this month? A coaching lesson is the perfect way to get “in the zone” and prep you for the event by tightening your technique and style so you really sparkle on the dance floor.
Your instructor will also attend the session with you to take it all in so that they can break down all the information the coach gives into bite sized pieces over the next few lessons. You and your teacher will work on the nitty- gritty details of the coach’s suggestions to help you get the most out of your coaching lesson.

Missed this coaching lesson? Book early to make sure you get the spot you want. And don’t miss out on the group workshops taught by the coaches.
Coming up next:
May 29-June 1: Bobby Gonzalez
June 14-16: Danila & Nuria Kartashov